文章 | Plasmons with orbital angular momentum

Science research · 2022-07-11

Plasmons with orbital angular momentum. Mendonca

Meaning of some acdemic words

  1. orbital angular momentum(momenta) 轨道角动量
  2. collisionless 无碰撞的
  3. inertial electrons 惯性电子
  4. static ions 静态离子
  5. torque 转矩
  6. photon 光子
  7. spin 自旋
  8. superposition 叠加
  9. orthonormal basis 标准正交基
  10. neutrinos 中微子
  11. backscatter 散射
  12. oscillation 振动
  13. thermal 热
  14. spatial 空间的
  15. wave profile 波面

Some meaningful expressions

  • Paraxial photon beams can appropriately be described by a linear superposition of LG functions.

Paraxial Equation for Plasmons

  • The electric field \(\textnormal{E}(r,t)=-\nabla V(r,t)\)can be produced by a small perturbation in the electron density, which can lead to the excitation of electron plasma oscillation.
  • Considering the linearied version of the electron fluid equuation, the wave equation for the electron plasma waves can be given by $$ (\frac {\partial^2} {\partial t^2}-S^2_e\nabla ^2+\omega^2_{pe}) \widetilde{n} = 0 $$

    • \(\widetilde{n}\) is the perturbed electron density with the equilibrium value \(n_0\)
    • \(S_e\) is the electron thermal speed
    • \(k_B\) is the Boltzmann constant
    • \(\omega_{pe}\) is the electron plasma frequency
  • Wave solutions considered in this article are those can be excited by Raman scattering of intense laser pulses, instead of those in the usual plane, which carries no anggular momentum.
  • This kind of beam solution mentioned in the last point can be taken in the form \(\widetilde{n} (r,t)=\widetilde{n}_0(r)\textnormal{exp}(ikz-i\omega t)\), where the amplitude \(\widetilde{n}_0(r)\)is a slowly function of the spatial coordinates and describes the wave profile

    • [My understanding] A wave is composed of myriad wave profile. The prapagation of a wave can be caused by even a small perturbation.
  • The wave equation can be reduced into a well known paraxial euqation, similar to that usually considered for electromagnetic wave, of the form $$ (\nabla^2_{\perp}+2ik\frac {\partial} {\partial z})\widetilde{n}_0(r)=0 $$